Request for Transport

    Average time to complete is 5 minutes.

    Date of Transport*

    Pick up time* (24 hour format eg 17:30)

    Commissioner Details

    Name of person making this booking

    Position/Job Title*

    Telephone Number*

    Email Address*

    Funding Authority*

    Cost centre code

    I have authority to authorise this booking?*

    Patient Details

    Name of Patient*

    Patient likes to be called (if different from above)

    Date of Birth


    NHS Number*

    Gender of Patient*

    Under which section*

    If other please specify

    Do you require the use of mechanical restraint (handcuffs)?

    If yes, please state the reason why handcuffs are being requested?

    Current Risk
    ‘Please note that a patient may not be transported in the secure area of the vehicle if there are no known risks unless a ‘Patient Authority Form’ has been signed by the patient’.

    If not listed above, please specify other known risks including current behaviour (at time of booking) and historical risk. Please also provide information or share information from past experience that could assist us in best managing the above mentioned risk. Also, who is at risk?

    Please note additional information based on the above risk (eg. type of sexually inappropriate behaviour or reason for staffing preference). Including any known triggers for behaviour and how it effects the behaviour.

    Are there any illnesses, injuries or disabilities that we should be aware of?

    If yes to the above, how is this managed?

    Does the patient have any blood borne disease?
    If other, please note in the additional requirements at the bottom of this page

    Does the patient have any sensory impairment?

    Is there a Safeguarding plan or are there any Safeguarding issues for this patient at the moment?

    If Yes, Prometheus Safe and Secure team to ensure this is included in the handover on collection at the hospital

    May Prometheus Safe and Secure offer a meal (if conveyance falls over a mealtime or on longer journeys)?

    Please be advised that the meal cost is payable by the bill payer. If there is an expense limit, please include in the notes at the bottom of this form.

    Are there any known allergies or special dietary requirements?

    Please be advised that the meal cost is payable by the bill payer. If there is an expense limit, please include in the notes at the bottom of this form.

    If yes to the above, how is this managed?

    Will the patient be medicated prior to conveyance?

    Please note that we are unable to transport any patient who has been fully sedated

    Transfer Details

    Details of collection of Patient

    (Pick up point)

    Collection Ward*

    Collection Hospital and Contact name at collection hospital

    Collection Postcode (if known)

    Details of Destination

    The location the patient needs to be transferred to

    Destination Ward (where applicable)*

    Transport to and contact name if applicable

    Destination Postcode

    Select which transport service you need

    If you do not receive confirmation from the Prometheus Safe and Secure booking office within 15 minutes of completing this form, please contact us on 0800 009 6668 to confirm receipt.